Friday 6 September 2013

Experimenting With Photoshop

We were taught the how to use Adobe Photoshop previously for our AS film opening. But this year we had then done a more advanced couple of classes when we learnt how to use different tools that would be more useful with our A2 short film this year.
My favourite tool was the lasso tool it was so useful to cut those corner and it saved time as it automatically knew the shape of the object you wanted and therefore we were able to cut it out quicker.
The main thing that I struggled with was checking that I had made a new layer and if I hadn't to then go and make that extra layer for some people it would have been quick and easy but for me I had to keep referring to the noes I had taken during the presentation previously this took up a lot of my time and it was not helpful at all in finishing projects.
This little guy above though is one of my finished projects used with only natural pictures the eyes are black eyed beans the arms and mouth are sticks cut down to a suitable length for the body and the body is obviously a type of wild mushroom. I then copied it onto a bridge in the forest and my character came to life.
Although the classes had helped me I thought that I just needed a bit more help so I went onto YOU TUBE and found a few helpful tutorials this is just one of them.
This ones just about the basics but there are plenty of others that concentrate on certain parts of Photoshop and about certain tools as well.
I thoroughly enjoyed working with Adobe Photoshop and even though it took time in using it I cannot wait to start using it for my coursework.

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